I do a bit of cycling. Sometimes it is useful to be able to take a few items with me. As it is more comfortable to put them into a frame bag then to carry a backpack I bought one and it is working great. It then happened a few times that I felt like a smaller one would be better and decided to try and make one myself.
After looking at a couple of designs for inspiration I started to make a paper template and then cut out the pieces. As I don’t have a sewing machine I stitched it all together by hand. At the time I didn’t have zipper but had some magnetic buttons. So I used those. Because they are supposed to be covered with something I sewed on some decorative patches.

I also sewed on some loops for the straps to mount it on the frame of the bike. On the straps I put some velcro so that it would be easy to put it on the bike and take it of again. The whole thing did not take all that long and it works pretty well so far. It is obviously not water tight but that’s ok. I practised my sewing skills a bit and now have a small frame bag so it was a good little project.